Beth Foss
Beth fell in love with travel on her very first plane ride when she was two years old and she's been traveling ever since. Since 1985, she been a chief purser for a cruise line, counter/ramp agent for an airline, a guide and tour developer for a tour company, and an agent/manager for two travel agencies before starting her own agency in 2011. This is the industry she was born to work in.
Universal parks are incredible, but for Beth, Disney vacations are special. Her first trip to Walt Disney World was in June of 1972, less than a year after it opened, and she'll never forget it; it was truly transformative. So while her niche is ultra-luxury travel, Disney magic is an experience she loves creating for others regardless of budget - and she'd love to make it happen for you!
Favorite thing about any of the Disney theme parks
Entering a Disney theme park is like walking through a portal to another world. No matter which one you pick, for at least a few hours, you'll forget all your problems and become a kid again.
Favorite thing about any of the Universal theme parks
Diagon Alley may be the single most magical place in any theme park ever. 🧡